Why does Time.timescale affects PUN (does it really?)


First, I'm new to PUN (or any networking framework), I've done the basic tutorial and try to build my own game over it.

One feature I want do is a kind of turn base where when one player starts his turn, time freezes for everyone as long as he is playing. Time returns to normal state when he finishes turn.

My problem is that whenever I set Time.timeScale=0.0f, photon is not raising my events anymore, for example, here is the code to send my event when a turn ends :
 Debug.Log("end turn");
            object[] content = new object[] { nickname, nextPlayer };
            RaiseEventOptions raiseEventOptions = new RaiseEventOptions { Receivers = ReceiverGroup.All };
            SendOptions sendOptions = new SendOptions { Reliability = true };
            PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(EVENT_CODE_TURN_END, content, raiseEventOptions, sendOptions);
I can see my Debug, but I'm not receiving my event anymore and if I set Time.timescale=0.01f, I see clearly that event is received but very slowly and if Time.timescale=1.0f everything works fine.

Event is received this way :
public void OnEnable()
            PhotonNetwork.NetworkingClient.EventReceived += OnEvent;

        public void OnDisable()
            PhotonNetwork.NetworkingClient.EventReceived -= OnEvent;

 public void OnEvent(EventData photonEvent)
            byte eventCode = photonEvent.Code;
I have concluded that event is timeScale dependent but I really dont understand why or how...

Thanks !