PunRPC call between different devices

In my game, each user has a game object. Master client has some scene objects.
When a new user joins the game room, I send some info of the game objects and scene objects to the new user using a PunRPC function in OnPhotonPlayerConnected().
It works perfect between android phones, but, if a new user with iPhone joins the room, the PunRPC function for the scene objects is not called. The one for game object is normally called.
It seems calling PunRPCs (for scene objects) should be a little different between android and ios devices.
I'm not sure if this is a wrong idea. Can anyone help me? Thanks for any comments.


  • mhhk88
    Well,,, it works now. All I did was, I guess, clearing and refreshing RPCs. Honestly, I'm not sure how I fixed.
    Because, it didn't work right after handling RPCs. Anyway, it's working well now.