Write to stream in OnPhotonSerializeView without using SendNext method

Hey guys!
I'm trying to figure out the best way for reducing the packet size of my messages I'm sending to all clients.
I'm using OnPhotonSerializeView to keep my objects synchronized.
The Photon documentary says that the SendNext method is writing the size of the current data type for each value to the stream aswell. As a result the smallest possible value (byte) is at least 2 bytes in size (1 byte for size, 1 byte for value).
In my case this almost doubles the packet size of my messages and it's completely unnecessary.

I'm wondering if there is a way to avoid using the SendNext method.
I know the order and the size of my sent values so in my case i really dont need the extra bytes for sending data type sizes.

I'm looking for something like stream.Write(object[]) but inside OnPhotonSerializeView.
Thank you for your support!