Different avatars on different platforms

Hi guys,
didn't find anything in the forum about this:
So basically we want to have different user representations on different platforms. More complex avatars on pc and very basic shapes on mobile. A user from the pc sees all the users as avatars and another user from the mobile will see the same users but just as shapes.

Besides spawning a different prefab while instantiating the player on the client, what is the correct way to proceed for the other users? Is working with PhotonTransformView enough?

And besides the implementation process, is this feasible? Are there any examples?


  • pacepiro
    edited January 2019
    Ehi @Tobias, hope it's not a problem to put you in this thread.
    I saw your answer to (I guess) a related issue here.

    Is it possible to achieve what I'm envisioning via buffered RPC?