Player spawn

I'm trying to spawn the players on a specific location, then the rest of the players with spawn by that location by Pos.X +2.
I can do that by giving a value (playerID) and use a loop function, but I would like to know how can I do that in another way.
The reason I ask because I feel stupid to give a value to do this and I think Pun2 can do it without my setting.


  • Gage_IAG
    Ok Mr. incubator, if youre wanting to use spawn positions, you can have your player instantiation code look up some spawn point transform array in a game manager or such and then you can randomize which spawn point thats selected and even apply an offset to that point thats randomized and pass that final transform position and rotation into the Photonnetwork.Instantiate call. Let me know if you need a example code of his.