PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject only syncing from MasterClient

Hi all,

I've been trying every which way to get three balls to sync between 2 players.

On the MasterClient I'm instantiating using PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject. On the balls, I have a photontransformview and a photonrigidbodyview.

When both players are connected, any actions taken on the balls via the MasterClient is then replicated on the Non-MasterClient players screen. The issue is that when the Non-MasterClient performs any action on the balls, it doesn't update on the MasterClient's screen. I'm really confused as to why. Is there something I need to be doing in the code for the non-MasterClient such as RPC calls or do I need to add an OnPhotonSerializeView in the code on the balls?

Any help would be appreciated.



  • Tobias
    Only one client can control each networked object.
    For scene objects, this is the Master Client.
    InstantiateSceneObject is designed to work only for the Master Client.

    Doing physics in a networked game is hard, so there is no built-in solution in PUN for that. Much less, when any player should be able to control the game objects / balls.
    Depending on your requirements and gameplay, you should be able to find a suitable solution, however.