networking line renderer

How do make other players see my line renderer?


  • Hi @SaravanaPerumal,

    if this LineRenderer component is attached to an object that also an attached PhotonView component, you can use an RPC to send the points, which describe the path of the LineRenderer, to other clients. If this LineRenderer component isn't attached to an object with an PhotonView component, you can use the RaiseEvent function and send the points of the LineRenderer to the other clients. Both the RPCs and the RaiseEvent function are described on the RPCs and RaiseEvent documentation page.

    To get the points of the LineRenderer you can use the GetPositions functions. To set them use the SetPositions function.
  • it is not working getposition and set position function
  • Please have a look at the LineRenderer page on Unity's Scripting API to see how these functions work.