Unknown resolve error on OpJoinOrCreateRoom

I updated pun v1 to pun v2 and i cant seem to get this function to work anymore. I used the code from ConnectAndJoinRandomLb.cs and added this:

public void OnConnectedToMaster() { Debug.Log ("OnConnectedToMaster"); RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions (); roomOptions.IsVisible = false; roomOptions.MaxPlayers = 20; roomOptions.PlayerTtl = -1; roomOptions.PublishUserId = true; //this.lbc.OpRejoinRoom(_mapName); this.lbc.OpJoinOrCreateRoom(_mapName, roomOptions, null); }

When i mouseover OpJoinOrCreateRoom i get an unknown resolve error. When i try to just OpRejoinRoom it work tought, but i want people to join same room. Any idea what im doing wrong?


  • Aenil
    In unity im getting this error
    Assets/Photon/PhotonRealtime/Demos/DemoLoadBalancing/ConnectAndJoinRandomLb.cs(95,13): error CS1501: No overload for method `OpJoinOrCreateRoom' takes `3' arguments
  • Aenil
    I suddenly got my intelligence back and added this:
    EnterRoomParams enterRoomParams = new EnterRoomParams(); enterRoomParams.RoomName = _mapName; enterRoomParams.RoomOptions = roomOptions; enterRoomParams.Lobby = TypedLobby.Default; this.lbc.OpJoinOrCreateRoom(enterRoomParams);

    Was on this since yesterday.. lol oh well :P