PUN 2 Application statistics incorrect, or misunderstood

Hey. Trying to get my head around PUN2 and having a few issues.

To help navigate im debugging various info, starting with Application stats as outlined at


im using a fixed region (au) because I found using the best region option often lead to devices on the same wifi ending up in different regions (ouch). I have an appID set, Im not using Lobbies (just joining rooms from Master Server) and my players do end up in the same room.

Initially it all looks good.

PhotonNetwork.CountOfRooms = 0 (rooms in use on Master, updates every 5 sec)
PhotonNetwork.CountOfPlayers = 2
PhotonNetwork.CountOfPlayersOnMaster = 2 (both players just logged in, not yet joined a room)
PhotonNetwork.CountOfPlayersInRooms = 0

However once both Players have entered a a room (the same room, created with Lobby = null) none of the above values change. Both players are instanced and the various callbacks are fired, so they are definitely in the room. Surely CountOfPlayersOnMaster and CountOfPlayersInRooms should now show the opposite and CountOfRooms should = 1 (as in, 1 room in use)?



  • ok, so yes I misunderstood. you can only receive refreshed stats when you are on MasterServer, not in a room, my bad.