Photon Unity Matchmaking, Find disconnect cause?

Is there a callback which will tell me exactly why my player is disconnected? it started happening recently. I was hoping to make use of Disconnect Cause somehow. Is this an option in matchmaking? Thanks much. i'll try to answer someone elses question on here and pay forward the karma :)


  • from an old post, I saw this - void OnConnectionFail(DisconnectCause cause)
    will try and post my results here if that told me something!
  • Found the cause at last: DisconnectByClientTimeout

    but I don't know what drives this. there are no other players, my internet is strong and it never happened in past photon game we have created where we used similar logic and had 15 concurrent players so it's a bit baffling
  • Hi @Logan_oneshark,

    DisconnectByClientTimeout is probably the most common disconnect cause. I'm asking you to take a look at the Analyzing Disconnects documentation page and see if it can help you solving the problem. If you can't solve this problem on your own, please feel free to ask here again with some further information.