[BUG] Just updated to latest pun, player stops receiving any data after some time, only sending

Just updated to latest pun, host player stops receiving any data after i connect and disconnect and connect again other player , only sending works

After 5 minutes it get kicked with message
Receiving failed. SocketException: TimedOut

All clients i run on local machine, and server sdk

What it can be?


  • friuns2
    edited September 2018
    And no errors or warnings, i set photon logging level to full

    Seems its because i send a lot of data when player connected.
    is there some limit i could change?
  • Hi @friuns2,

    you can implement the void OnConnectionFail(DisconnectCause cause) callback and take a look at the DisconnectCause to see what happened. There are mainly two options: the first is a DisconnectByClientTimeout. If you gets this, I'm asking you to have a look at the Analyzing Disconnects documentation page. The second one is a DisconnectByServerLogic. If this occurs you are probably sending too much data and the server disconnects this client.

    Since you are running the server locally, you can try to increase the MaxMessageSize by modifying the Photon Server Config Settings.
  • friuns2
    edited September 2018
    Hi problem solved thanks! I changed protocol from Tcp to UDP