photon cloud service for ios.

edited January 2012 in Photon Server
i am new to use photon cloud service. I have have downloaded the latest photon3 client sdk for ios.
i have registered and got the app id . Pls provide doc where to provide my own app id in the application? . And also when i run the sample application (demo_iPhone_realtime_objc) it always shows gives response to SC_DISCONNECT on onStatusChanged method ?


  • Kaiserludi

    If you want to use the C++ API, please be patient for a few weeks. We are currently working on the client side C++ LoadBalancing API.
    However the objC LoadBalancing client API is already included in the latest iOS client SDK along with it's own demo (called "demo_iPhone_loadBalancing_objC"). There you can also see, where to pass the app ID.

    demo_iPhone_realtime_objc is for demonstrating the usage of Lite and is not compatible with the Photon Cloud, on which LoadBalancing is running instead of Lite. The Cloud disconnects you, as it recognizes, that the client tries to achieve some incompatible workflow.
  • Thanks for your help.
    i can able to successfully run the demo loadBalancing app.