Setting GameObject's color? (Color successfully stored per player.ID in CustomProperties)

I'm halfway there. I can see each object's color in CustomProperties, but how do I go about accessing each GameObject's Renderer so I can change the color there?

public class PlayerColorRandomizer : MonoBehaviour {
  public Vector3 colorRGB;
  private ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable playerCustomProperties = new ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable();

  public void SetPlayerColor () {
    colorRGB = new Vector3(Random.Range(0f, 1f), Random.Range(0f, 1f), Random.Range(0f, 1f));
    gameObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", new Color(colorRGB.x, colorRGB.y, colorRGB.z));

    playerCustomProperties["colorRGB"] = colorRGB;

    foreach(PhotonPlayer pl in PhotonNetwork.playerList) {
        Vector3 plColor = (Vector3)pl.CustomProperties["colorRGB"];
        print("Player " + pl.ID + "'s colorRGB is: " + plColor);


  • S_Oliver
    S_Oliver ✭✭✭
    You just want to know how toaccsess the Render.Material ?
    Basically you have to get the Renderer from the Object and accsess the Material to change color
    meshrenderer.material.color = Color.Green;

    Thats an Example i made for someone, it changes the Color based on the Player Score.
  • krx
    edited July 2018
    @S_Oliver: I feel like your code has me pointed in the right direction. To be clear, I know how to access local renderers, but I didn't know how to access them on other networked objects. Your (m_photonPlayer.ID == m_pView.OwnerActorNr) code is key.

    What's working now: Player 1 is already in a room and Player 2 joins, Player 1 sees and applies the correct color to Player 2 (since Player 1 can see OnPhotonPlayerPropertiesChanged).

    I still need to figure out: how Player 2 can apply Player 1's color when Player 1 is already in the room... Player 2 can see Player 1's color, but Player 2 needs to access Player 1's renderer when Player 2 joins the room...

    I'm working on it, but help is appreciated!