Networking between two separate projects

Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to get networking between two different projects. My goal is to make a Unity project for HTC Vive in Standalone and another for HoloLens in UWP. Is it possible? If so, do I need a dedicated server ta only sends and receive commands or can I still use one of them as the MasterClient?


  • Hi @Joey,

    this is possible under the following circumstances: both applications have to use the same AppId, Game Version (PhotonNetwork.gameVersion) and PUN version. Using the same settings both clients should be able to join the same room.

    If so, do I need a dedicated server ta only sends and receive commands or can I still use one of them as the MasterClient?

    You don't have to use a separate server, all this can be done on the Cloud. One of the clients in a room will always be the MasterClient.