Random join room failed

Hi, i was testing my game with 2 computers in my house and I am unable to join random room. It keeps failing. If I join the room using the room's name, it works.

And also, I tested the game with 2 application windows on one computer, the join random rooms works fine. It just couldn't work between 2 computers.

What's the problem with this?


  • Hi @iikii,

    please make sure, that both clients are running the same PUN version and connect to the same AppId. Also important is, that both are using the same game version (for example set when using PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings). Please also note, that simultaneous actions of both clients (one creates the room and the other joins a random room) won't work.

    If it's still not working, you can try to add the void OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed(object[] codeAndMsg) callback, whereat codeAndMsg[0] is the Error Code and codeAndMsg[1] is the Error Message.
  • iikii

    Hi @iikii,

    please make sure, that both clients are running the same PUN version and connect to the same AppId. Also important is, that both are using the same game version (for example set when using PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings). Please also note, that simultaneous actions of both clients (one creates the room and the other joins a random room) won't work.

    If it's still not working, you can try to add the void OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed(object[] codeAndMsg) callback, whereat codeAndMsg[0] is the Error Code and codeAndMsg[1] is the Error Message.

    Thanks, i will keep those pointers in mind :) Actually I just found out that the problem lies with the random join room properties. Perhaps I am using it wrongly which caused the error.