CustomRoomProperties when creating room not sent to sever

Hey guys

I've configured on our Application pane that the different Photon events get forwarded to our server, i.e. RoomCreate, RoomClose, ... And this is working great. I am getting these messages on my server. So this is working fine.
However, when creating a new room with custom properties set in the RoomOptions class (the one you use to create a room), I'm always receiving an empty array on our server for the CustomProperties piece. I'm also 100% sure that the data is set before the call of actually creating the room, and I'm also 100% sure that it is data supported by the serialisation process of Photon (as it is successfully used during multiplayer play).

Now, I do have a work-around for it, but it kind of bugs me that this isn't working as I would expect it to work and the work-around is a little bit dirty in my opinion. So is there any possibility to get it to work this way? I'm up for digging in or changing some lines of code in the LoadBalancingPeer.cs script if necessary. I've already kind of looked into it, but can't determine quite exactly what to do in this case.

I'm using PUN v1.87.

[06/Jun/2018 14:30:33] (RoomCreate) { "ActorNr": 1, "AppVersion": "0.14.0_1.87", "AppId": "<hidden>", "CreateOptions": { "MaxPlayers": 1, "IsVisible": false, "LobbyId": "TOURNAMENTS", "LobbyType": 0, "CustomProperties": [], "EmptyRoomTTL": 60000, "PlayerTTL": 60000, "CheckUserOnJoin": true, "DeleteCacheOnLeave": true, "SuppressRoomEvents": false, "PublishUserId": false, "ExpectedUsers": null }, ... }
Thanks in advance!

Kind regards,


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited June 2018
    Hi @juniordiscart,

    This is expected as you can read in the docs,
    CreateOptions.CustomProperties contains only key/values of properties visible to the lobby.

    You have asked the same question here a while back.
  • juniordiscart
    Hi @JohnTube

    My apologies for the double post. I thought I might have asked that question earlier. I did do a general search in the topics for the post, but didn't do a check on my own post history...
    Thank you for pointing out the documentation. I might have missed it the previous time, or didn't take the time to understand that the forwarded properties must be publicly visible. So I can achieve my goal by setting the desired properties as visible in the lobby, they should also get forwarded to the server when the room gets created? These specific rooms are currently not really listed in a lobby, so it doesn't really affect or clutter on the client-side.

    Thanks again!
  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    So I can achieve my goal by setting the desired properties as visible in the lobby, they should also get forwarded to the server when the room gets created?