[Solved] No Rooms on OnReceivedRoomListUpdate after disconnection

Hi there,

Been using PUN for quite a while now..
I have an issue with players disconnecting when switching scenes that Im investigating, however, in the meanwhile I just want to implement a re-connection when it happens.

I encounter a very odd thing.
I use Playfab with Photon, and Login users with photon token authentication...

I auto join lobby -> OnReceivedRoomListUpdate -> run through the list of rooms and join the room I want.
The problem starts when a disconnect occurs, this is the flow of events:

OnDisconnectedFromPhoton -> PhotonNetwork.Disconnect(); to make sure its disconnected -> PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings -> OnJoinedLobby -> OnReceivedRoomListUpdate -> looking at the room list ITS EMPTY!

I am sure rooms exist because I can relogin manually and everything works fine again, meaning, Im getting the room list and everything...

EDIT: found the issue, after disconnect I was calling ConnectUsingSettings from a different scene effectively connecting a different "version"....

Thanks ahead,
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