Soneone can help my with RPC

Hi, I posted this a couple of hours ago, but it seems that it was not published: /.

I'm trying use RPC to send a value at a method. When something with tag of Player walks in Trigger2D, this trigger ontriggerenter2d send a value(CambiaPiso.cs) at Method in other script(MapManager.cs), When the value is sended then a switch is execute to set the actives floor in the scene. I made this in code but when a player changes floor in the map, they all change with him.

Here is a video of my test scene:

the last time that i tried published this I put here the links to IMG because when I tried put images in the button to up imgs I could not find the "OK". But in the video you can see alls scripts and inspector and some pieces of my lasts tries to made it :)(the comments)