OnPhotonSerializeView - Syncing an array of a custom class

I'm nearing early access on my survival game and starting to go over various ways to conserve network usage, so to cut to the point, how much can Reliable Delta Compressed handle?

I am planning create an array World Spawned Items, which is a custom class made up of 2 int's and a Vector3. It will be synced in OnPhotonSerializeView() with Reliable Delta compressed. The thing is.. this Array could get quite high in its count, so does anyone have some kind of answer on how much it can handle before we start getting disconnected?

To also add, while it can get quite high, the variables wont be changing every second, only when a player picks up or drops a world item + there is some game design logic at play here to reduce server calls in this capacity, so I was thinking theoretically.. this is what Reliable Delta Compressed is for right?