Has the free version of PUN been abandoned?

I really want to use PUN in my multiplayer game, but whenever I import PUN free into my Unity project, 2 things happen:
1)Unity throws up a dialog box saying that the APIs are outdated, and would I like to attempt to update them?
2) I get 33 compiler errors going: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\Project_Name\CSC: Warning CS1685: The predefined type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute' is defined in multiple assemblies in the global alias; using definition from 'c:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\Project_Name\Assets\Photon Unity Networking\Editor\PhotonNetwork\Newtonsoft.Json.dll' (CS1685) (Assembly-CSharp) and when I ask it to take it take me to the line throwing up the error, it just says it can't find the file.
I know this is a problem with photon, as when I delete it from my project, the errors vanish.
So I'm just wondering, has the free version of PUN been abandoned while photon focuses on the paying customers, or have they just not noticed that PUN is broken?


  • Hi @Recursion,

    no, the free version of PUN is still available and continued.

    1)Unity throws up a dialog box saying that the APIs are outdated, and would I like to attempt to update them?

    You have to run this updater.

    2) I get 33 compiler errors going [...]

    Do you import the PUN package into a new project or into an existing one? If you have an existing project, please check, if you already have a Newtonsoft.Json.dll somewhere in the project. If so, you should be able to safely remove the one within the PUN directories. This is also described here.

    If you still have this error afterwards, please get back here and let us know which version of PUN and Unity you are currently using. If the error still persists, you can also try to import the PUN package into a new project and see if this works.
  • Recursion
    Deleting the photon newtonjsoft works, but then I get a compiler error in AccountService, on the line:
    using Newtonsoft.json;
    Because it doesn't exist anymore.
  • As said, you only have to delete it, if you have two or more of these files in your project, after importing the PUN package.