how to get the photon server time with date

edited December 2011 in Photon Server
Can we able to get the photon server time with date.
i am building an iphone app which needs the photon server time stamp(including date).
In the sample project there was method name [m_pLitePeer ServerTime] which returns the current time of the photon server.But how can i get current date or epochtime from the photon server ?


  • Kaiserludi
    The server is only sending the timestamp in milliseconds since the start of the server as a 32bit-value (overflowing every about 49 days), so there is no other way for you to get the time and date, than doing it yourself, for example by implementing a custom operation on the server and sending the current values in the response and then storing the difference to your local time and then everytime you need the current value, you can just take your current local time minus the stored difference.