Spawning Enemy

Hello , i have a question about instantiate with Photon :

I want to make a spawning system .
How can i instantiate a prefab and see this prefab for all client ( Master too ) ?

public void OnJoinedRoom()
if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient)
// Enemy is a prefab in the '' Ressources '' folder , and this prefab have a '' photon view '' .
PhotonNetwork.Instantiate("Enemy", new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.identity, 0);

When i do that i instantiate the prefab correctly but there is only the masterclient who can see the prefab ... why ? i want all Clients able to see this prefab ....

Thanks in advance for you response .


  • anyone ? :neutral:
  • Hi @DarnightDEV,

    basically you are doing things already right, at least I don't see any problems with the code snippet above. Can you confirm that all your clients are in the same room and run the 'same' game including all assets?
  • Hi @Christian_Simon ,

    Thanks for the response , but I misspoke about something . I instantiate correctly this prefab and all client can see the prefab but the problem is : this prefab have a script which allows him to move ( IA system ) and when this prefab move , nobody see the movement of this prefab ( except the masterclient )

    Do you have a solution ? :(
    Thanks in advance,
  • I guess you don't synchronize the movement, so nobody else except the MasterClient can see this. An easy solution here is to attach a PhotonTransformView component to the prefab and add it to the PhotonView's observed components list.