Room appears in list also if player stops the creation in the mid of the process

Hey Everyone,
I tried to search around to find a solution, with no luck.

I'd like the player to be able to stop the creation of a room also when he has not completed the creation.
To do that I send these commands:
Alas when I reconnect I still see the room I was creating, and if I try to join I get errors (each time a different error, like if I'm joining a room that is going to be deleted).

I tried to access the room data to make it invisible, but seems that I cannot get the room reference, so I can't set:
PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.CurrentRoom.isVisible = false.

Any suggestion?


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @JackMariani,

    Thank you for choosing Photon!

    Room creation is, in fact, a process composed mainly of 3 steps:

    1- Create operation on Master Server (returns Game Server address to connect to)
    2- Switch to Game Server
    3- Create operation on Game Server

    So it depends on which step the process has stopped.
    Also, what RoomOptions do you use?

    The current room property is available only after "entering" the room either by creating it or joining it.