Ready to play when level loaded?


So I managed to create and join a room (1vs1 game)
When the room is full, both players start to load scene "level1".

What is the best way to exchange the status that a level was successfully loaded?
I know there are multiple ways like raiseEvents or synchronize with a photonview, but what is
the standard way of doing things like this?

Both players need to know that both players are ready. So i can start instantiating network objects etc..



  • Hi @keimax,

    there is no standard way of doing this and as you already mentioned there are multiple ways to do so. So you have to figure out which one fits best to your existing logic. If you already make use of the RaiseEvent function and have a certain OnEvent callback therefore, you can use this one again. If you don't use RaiseEvent for now, there are also other ways for example using the Player Properties. Using those you can set a specific value to inform other clients, that you have loaded the certain level. Player Properties are automatically synchronized across all clients.