Send Integer values from smartphone to Unity

Hi everyone,

I recently created a simple VR research application for 2 players with PUN.
additionally I use a Polar H7 heartrate sensor that sends the information once a second via bluetooth over to the desktop, which uses a nasty UWP app to forward the data with UDP to Unity.

The problem now is that these UWP apps don't always correctly connect to the Polar H7 or receive the heartrate, a problem that is not existant with any of my custom smartphone apps. (I tried several apps on Android as well as official UWP examples.)

So my question today is: is there a way to stream the heartrate from my phone to the photon cloud and use it directly in unity?

Or any other solution that could work?

Thx in advance for your help,


  • Hi @Megamouse,

    if you have any chance to get this value inside any other app, you could create a second app which connects with the same settings and joins the same room. When inside this room, the client can start sending the value and store it for example in the Room Properties.

    I guess there are some equal ways to handle this by sending data to and requesting it from another server, but you can't directly stream this value to the Cloud without using another app / client.