Photon Question?

I am wondering how I can select the game object that the player has when he logs in, like a different player model all together from the other players. I want to pull information from an MySQL database or another database of some sort; I am not asking how to do this I already do know; I am wondering how I can take a variable well say public string Ships = “3”;

Than when that player loads they get that string while the others get string Ships = “1”; I am not entire sure how to take that and get photon to load a player object via int like that, yes I know I would have to so System.Convert.ToInt32(“Ships”, out int ShipsInt); or something similar. I hope I have given you enough to go on here to help me out. I know there is also another way to change a string to int but that’s not the question here.


  • chvetsov
    hi, @Snownebula

    your post is more then confusing. i'm not really sure what you are asking. but let me try to answer.

    you may try to use actor properties, when player connects you load his state from DB and send back as properties
