[Solved] Log File Not Being Created

edited May 2012 in Photon Server
Hello All, I have read through all the topics I could find pertaining to this issue and none of the ones Ive found help. I am sure its something simple but I'm just racking my brain on it. I'm following some tutorials I found on youtube on setting up the server/client from scratch so I will paste what my logs show, and my code/config.

I don't see any errors, everything compiles and starts up fine but no log is being put in either:
- C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy\PhotonIntro\bin\log
- C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy\PhotonIntro\Log

In my client code it connects and disconnects just fine and im using Debug.Log("asdfasdfa") when connecting and disconnecting so I have messed up something obviously.

Thanks for any help!

Server Code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Photon.SocketServer;
using System.IO;
using ExitGames.Logging;
using ExitGames.Logging.Log4Net;
using log4net.Config;

namespace PhotonIntro {
    public class PhotonServer : ApplicationBase {
        #region Overload of Application Base
        protected override PeerBase CreatePeer(InitRequest initRequest) {
            return new UnityClient(initRequest.Protocol, initRequest.PhotonPeer);

        protected override void Setup() {
            var file = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(BinaryPath, "log4net.config"));
            if (file.Exists) {

        protected override void TearDown() {


log4net config:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<log4net debug="true">

  <appender name="ConsoleAppender" type="log4net.Appender.ConsoleAppender">
    <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
      <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{ABSOLUTE} %-5p %-30.30c{2} %m% [%t] [%x]%n" />
	<!-- "normal" log file appender -->
	<appender name="LogFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
		<param name="File" value="log\PhotonIntro.log" />
		<param name="AppendToFile" value="true" />
		<param name="MaxSizeRollBackups" value="1" />
		<param name="MaximumFileSize" value="250MB" />
		<param name="RollingStyle" value="Size" />
    <param name="LockingModel" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock" />
		<layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
			<param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d [%t] %-5p %c [%x] - %m%n" />

  <!-- performance counter log file appender -->
  <appender name="CounterAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender">
    <param name="File" value="log\PhotonIntroCounter.log" />
    <param name="AppendToFile" value="true" />
    <param name="MaxSizeRollBackups" value="1" />
    <param name="MaximumFileSize" value="1MB" />
    <param name="RollingStyle" value="Size" />
    <param name="StaticLogFileName" value="true" />
    <param name="LockingModel" type="log4net.Appender.FileAppender+MinimalLock" />
    <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout">
      <param name="ConversionPattern" value="%d{ABSOLUTE} %m%n" />

  <!-- logger -->
    <level value="DEBUG" />
    <appender-ref ref="LogFileAppender" /> 
    <appender-ref ref="ConsoleAppender" />

  <!-- operation data logger -->
  <!-- set level to DEBUG to enable operation data logging-->
  <logger name="OperationData" additivity="false">
    <level value="DEBUG" />
    <appender-ref ref="LogFileAppender" />
  <!-- performance counter logger -->
  <!-- set level to DEBUG to enable performance counter logging-->
  <logger name="PerformanceCounter" additivity="false">
    <level value="DEBUG" />
    <appender-ref ref="CounterAppender" />

Photon CLR
2011-11-11 16:45:54,065 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - PhotonDomainManager created
2011-11-11 16:46:33,528 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - PhotonDomainManager created
2011-11-11 16:46:33,580 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - PhotonDomainManager created
2011-11-11 16:46:33,587 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - InitializeNewDomain PhotonSocketServer.exe
2011-11-11 16:46:33,609 [ 1] INFO  PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - AppDomains with unhandled exceptions are usually not unloaded and restarted.
2011-11-11 16:46:33,629 [ 1] INFO  eBMsheuTZBd5s8ouhU.eLmj1LZaowJ13vNcFy - ### PhotonHostRuntime.Licensing: Getting license information...
2011-11-11 16:46:38,355 [ 1] INFO  eBMsheuTZBd5s8ouhU.eLmj1LZaowJ13vNcFy - LICENSE: Expiration: never; floating license: yes; max connections: 100; valid IPs: any
2011-11-11 16:46:38,417 [ 1] INFO  PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain Lite , Lite
2011-11-11 16:46:38,474 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ApplicationBase = C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy
2011-11-11 16:46:38,480 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: PrivateBinPath = Lite;Lite\bin;bin_Win64;Shared
2011-11-11 16:46:38,485 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ConfigurationFile = C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy\Lite\bin\Lite.dll.config
2011-11-11 16:46:39,780 [10] DEBUG eBMsheuTZBd5s8ouhU.eLmj1LZaowJ13vNcFy - Reached license monitor.
2011-11-11 16:46:53,150 [ 1] INFO  PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain LiteLobby , LiteLobby
2011-11-11 16:46:53,152 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ApplicationBase = C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy
2011-11-11 16:46:53,154 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: PrivateBinPath = LiteLobby;LiteLobby\bin;bin_Win64;Shared
2011-11-11 16:46:53,156 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ConfigurationFile = C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy\LiteLobby\bin\LiteLobby.dll.config
2011-11-11 16:47:07,625 [ 1] INFO  PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain MmoDemo , Photon.MmoDemo.Server
2011-11-11 16:47:07,628 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ApplicationBase = C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy
2011-11-11 16:47:07,629 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: PrivateBinPath = MmoDemo;MmoDemo\bin;bin_Win64;Shared
2011-11-11 16:47:07,631 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ConfigurationFile = C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy\MmoDemo\bin\Photon.MmoDemo.Server.dll.config
2011-11-11 16:47:22,120 [ 1] INFO  PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain LiteWebSockets , Lite
2011-11-11 16:47:22,124 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ApplicationBase = C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy
2011-11-11 16:47:22,129 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: PrivateBinPath = LiteWebSockets;LiteWebSockets\bin;bin_Win64;Shared
2011-11-11 16:47:22,132 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ConfigurationFile = C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy\LiteWebSockets\bin\Lite.dll.config
2011-11-11 16:47:36,642 [ 1] INFO  PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain CounterPublisher , CounterPublisher
2011-11-11 16:47:36,644 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ApplicationBase = C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy
2011-11-11 16:47:36,646 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: PrivateBinPath = CounterPublisher;CounterPublisher\bin;bin_Win64;Shared
2011-11-11 16:47:36,648 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ConfigurationFile = C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy\CounterPublisher\bin\CounterPublisher.dll.config
2011-11-11 16:47:51,472 [ 1] INFO  PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain Policy , Policy.Application
2011-11-11 16:47:51,474 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ApplicationBase = C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy
2011-11-11 16:47:51,476 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: PrivateBinPath = Policy;Policy\bin;bin_Win64;Shared
2011-11-11 16:47:51,477 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ConfigurationFile = C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy\Policy\bin\Policy.Application.dll.config
2011-11-11 16:48:05,870 [ 1] INFO  PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain PhotonIntro , PhotonIntro
2011-11-11 16:48:05,871 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ApplicationBase = C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy
2011-11-11 16:48:05,873 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: PrivateBinPath = PhotonIntro;PhotonIntro\bin;bin_Win64;Shared
2011-11-11 16:48:05,877 [ 1] DEBUG PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager - CreateAppDomain: ConfigurationFile = C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy\PhotonIntro\bin\PhotonIntro.dll.config

Photon Instance 1
2332: 16:46:17.678 - ---
2332: 16:46:17.678 - Service: "Photon Socket Server" starting
2332: 16:46:17.679 - Config File: C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy\bin_Win64\PhotonServer.config
2332: 16:46:17.693 - Will produce at most: 10 crash dumps
3212: 16:46:17.712 - Server Starting...
3212: 16:46:17.713 - Photon Version:
3212: 16:46:17.713 - Current directory is: C:\Windows\system32
3212: 16:46:17.713 - Changing current directory to: C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy\bin_Win64
3212: 16:46:17.715 - Config File: C:\Users\Austin\Desktop\server\deploy\bin_Win64\PhotonServer.config
3212: 16:46:17.733 - Not using performance counters as they are not currently installed. Run the service with /InstallCounters to install them.
3212: 16:46:17.840 - About to load runtime: PhotonHostRuntime.PhotonDomainManager from PhotonHostRuntime, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=02C301B61B060C4D
3212: 16:46:17.953 - About to load CLR - versions available:
3212: 16:46:17.954 - v2.0.50727
3212: 16:46:17.954 - v4.0.30319
3212: 16:46:17.954 - No preference in configuration file, will load latest.
3212: 16:46:17.954 - About to load version: "v4.0.30319"
3212: 16:46:17.971 - Loaded version: "v4.0.30319"
3212: 16:46:33.612 - Photon host runtime loaded
3212: 16:46:38.359 - License is valid.
3212: 16:46:38.359 - Licensed for 100 concurrent connections.
3212: 16:46:38.362 - Max Reliable Data In Transit (awaiting ACKs) per peer : 16384 bytes
3212: 16:46:38.362 - Per peer bandwidth limit
3212: 16:46:38.362 - Transmit Rate Limit: 128 KB/Sec
3212: 16:46:38.362 - Limit period: 250ms
3212: 16:46:38.363 - Limit per period: 32768 bytes
3212: 16:46:38.363 - Max queued data for transmission per peer: 65536 bytes
3212: 16:46:38.363 - Minimum retransmit timeout: 200
3212: 16:46:38.363 - Minimum ENet timeout: 5000ms
3212: 16:46:38.363 - Maximum ENet timeout: 30000ms
3212: 16:46:38.364 - ENetHost: Using Timer Wheel
3212: 16:46:38.364 - About to load application: Lite from Lite
3212: 16:46:38.365 - Auto restart is enabled for application
3212: 16:46:38.365 - Application will restart 10000ms after the last change detected
3212: 16:46:38.365 - Application will restart if files matching the following are changed: "dll;config"
3212: 16:46:38.365 - Application will NOT restart if files matching the following are changed: "log4net.config"
3212: 16:46:53.150 - Application: "Lite" started in app domain: 2
3212: 16:46:53.150 - About to load application: LiteLobby from LiteLobby
3212: 16:46:53.150 - Auto restart is enabled for application
3212: 16:46:53.150 - Application will restart 10000ms after the last change detected
3212: 16:46:53.150 - Application will restart if files matching the following are changed: "dll;config"
3212: 16:46:53.150 - Application will NOT restart if files matching the following are changed: "log4net.config"
3212: 16:47:07.624 - Application: "LiteLobby" started in app domain: 3
3212: 16:47:07.625 - About to load application: MmoDemo from Photon.MmoDemo.Server
3212: 16:47:07.625 - Auto restart is enabled for application
3212: 16:47:07.625 - Application will restart 10000ms after the last change detected
3212: 16:47:07.625 - Application will restart if files matching the following are changed: "dll;config"
3212: 16:47:07.625 - Application will NOT restart if files matching the following are changed: "log4net.config"
3212: 16:47:22.120 - Application: "MmoDemo" started in app domain: 4
3212: 16:47:22.120 - About to load application: LiteWebSockets from Lite
3212: 16:47:36.641 - Application: "LiteWebSockets" started in app domain: 5
3212: 16:47:36.641 - About to load application: CounterPublisher from CounterPublisher
3212: 16:47:36.642 - Auto restart is enabled for application
3212: 16:47:36.642 - Application will restart 10000ms after the last change detected
3212: 16:47:36.642 - Application will restart if files matching the following are changed: "dll;config"
3212: 16:47:36.642 - Application will NOT restart if files matching the following are changed: "log4net.config"
3212: 16:47:51.472 - Application: "CounterPublisher" started in app domain: 6
3212: 16:47:51.472 - About to load application: Policy from Policy.Application
3212: 16:48:05.869 - Application: "Policy" started in app domain: 7
3212: 16:48:05.869 - About to load application: PhotonIntro from PhotonIntro
3212: 16:48:05.869 - Auto restart is enabled for application
3212: 16:48:05.869 - Application will restart 10000ms after the last change detected
3212: 16:48:05.869 - Application will restart if files matching the following are changed: "dll;config"
3212: 16:48:05.869 - Application will NOT restart if files matching the following are changed: "log4net.config"
3212: 16:48:20.096 - Application: "PhotonIntro" started in app domain: 8
3212: 16:48:20.100 - Adding TCP listener on : 4530 with a listen backlog of: 150
3212: 16:48:20.100 - Nagle disabled
3212: 16:48:20.100 - TCP inactivity timeout: 5000ms
3212: 16:48:20.100 - UDP address specified as: adding listener to each available IPv4 address
3212: 16:48:20.104 - Adding UDP listener on : 5055 with a listen backlog of: 500
3212: 16:48:20.104 - Adding UDP listener on : 5055 with a listen backlog of: 500
3212: 16:48:20.104 - Adding UDP listener on : 5055 with a listen backlog of: 500
3212: 16:48:20.105 - Adding TCP Policy listener on : 843 with a listen backlog of: 150 and routing to application: "Policy"
3212: 16:48:20.105 - TCP inactivity timeout: 5000ms
3212: 16:48:20.106 - Adding TCP Policy listener on : 943 with a listen backlog of: 150 and routing to application: "Policy"
3212: 16:48:20.106 - TCP inactivity timeout: 5000ms
3212: 16:48:20.107 - Adding WebSocket TCP listener on : 9090 with a listen backlog of: 150
3212: 16:48:20.107 - Nagle disabled
3212: 16:48:20.107 - TCP inactivity timeout: 100000ms
3212: 16:48:20.107 - Forcing all applications ids to: "LiteWebSockets"
3212: 16:48:33.759 - Service is running...


  • ALRIGHT! New morning new results...

    Good News: I spent about 5 hours pulling the hair out of my head over a simple issue like this!

    Bad News: I woke up this morning opened up my server folder and all the log files were there!

    I guess the log files are stored in %photondirectory%\deploy\log and not in the individual application folders. Opened them right up and everything I was hoping for was there :)

  • billTCP
    Hi aumudin, I am glad that you problem has been solved, and I am sad that my problem which is exactly like yours still exists. I checked the %phonton%\deploy\log directory, but still no log exists except the ones created by the default servers. Does anybody knows what's wrong here? Any common mistake that is easy to ignore?

  • billTCP
    I found the problem...It is because of a small typo in the "log4net.config" file. I checked it many times, but I don't know why it is ignored. But I think it is still a problem, wouldn't there be any warning or hint in the photon log if the xml file has some format error?

    Anyway, hope it helps to other people..
  • Tobias
    I'm glad you found that typo.
    Probably we can't log a lot, if the config for logging is wrong but we will look into it. There might be a default location for logging files in log4net.
  • billTCP
    Tobias wrote:
    I'm glad you found that typo.
    Probably we can't log a lot, if the config for logging is wrong but we will look into it. There might be a default location for logging files in log4net.
    I mean the system log, which is the "Photon-instance1-20120525.log" file. It should give some information if the xml file has an error in the tag. Normally such error should let the program fail compiling... Hope this suggestion can be taken by the develop team. :)