Secure WebSocket on Self-hosted Amazon EC2 (Construct 2 Photon)

I'm having trouble when I try to connect my self-hosted server (Amazon EC2), using Secure Websocket connection, I followed this tutorial to allow wss:

I'm guessing that the problem is related with my certificate but I'm not entirely sure. I tried trusted Certificate Authority one (free SLL Certificate from

Here is the error (i'm using Public IP address):

Photon Config in Construct 2:

Here is app's websocket listener in PhotonServer.config:
<WebSocketListener IPAddress="" Port="9090" DisableNagle="true" InactivityTimeout="10000" OverrideApplication="Master" Secure = "true" StoreName = "MY" CertificateName = "" UseMachineStore = "true"> </WebSocketListener> <WebSocketListener IPAddress="" Port="9091" DisableNagle="true" InactivityTimeout="10000" OverrideApplication="Game" Secure = "true" StoreName = "MY" CertificateName = "" UseMachineStore = "true"> </WebSocketListener>

Here is my Certificate Authority on Windows Server 2012 R2:

"Local computer" certificate store

Thank you
