Can only connect while in state 'Disconnected'. Current state: Connecting

Hi everybody !

I'm working on a 2D game with photon, And i have this trouble :smile:
"Can only connect while in state 'Disconnected'. Current state: Connecting"

To change a scene properly , i'm using:

then :
public void OnLeftRoom() { LoginPro_Security.Load(RightScene); }

But i'm still have this error message :/ so i don't understand :/

If someone can help me i'll really appreciate !

Have a good day !


  • Hi @redskry,

    why exactly are you leaving the room in order to change the scene? Do you join the same room again afterwards?

    Besides that calling LeaveRoom() shouldn't disconnect you from Photon, so can you please verify that the client is still connected to Photon? Also when loading the 'RightScene' is there any script that tries to connect to Photon?