Photon cloud for iOS app

edited December 2011 in Native

I've got an existing Cocos2d iOS app I want to use with Photon cloud. How can I do this? I've registered and got an app id, but that's about it. Are there any tutorials and/or samples I could use? Thanks.


  • Kaiserludi
    In general all Photon 3 clients are compatible to the cloud, but currently only the Photon Unity Networking provides an interface, which abstracts the loadBalancing-internals from you, so currently you would have to write the loadBalancing client-side on you own (I would recommend to orientate on the PUN NetworkingPeer therefor). However, client side loadBalancing layers in C++ and objC for iOS are currently in the work, so if you can wait for a few weeks, then you will get access to a nice iOS API for the cloud.
  • Tobias
    jaeson, like Stefan said: We're working on the framework for the loadbalancing. You could start developing your game by concentrating on the in-game communication first, using a self-hosted Photon and the "Lite" application logic. When we're done, you add the layer for switching between a master and gameservers.
  • Kaiserludi
    Hi again.
    We have just released a new iOS client SDK and this new SDK comes with the promised LoadBalancing objC API for usage of the exitgamescloud with native iOS games.
  • I can't get the iOS Photon v3 to decompress. It keeps giving a decompression error in Safari and Finder fails as well.

    Archive Utility
    Unable to expand "" into "Downloads". (Error 1 - Operation not permitted.)

    I'd like to experiment with photo sharing, as seen in my video of Photo Table.

    -Paul Solt
  • Kaiserludi
    Hi Paul. Looks, like OS X built in unzip abilities are very moderate in comparison to for example Windows 7, so that we can't use more effective zip-algorithms without forcing you to use 3rd party decompression-programs -> we will replace the current .zips with new ones, using an algorithm, which is supported out of the box by osx.

    Edit: We updated the package on the download page.