How can I tell when a room is removed from the AsyncRandomLobby?

Hi there.
I am trying to create automatching for a turn-based game using AsyncRandomLobby.

How do I tell when a game is removed from the lobby?

Currently the room closes when players leave, sending the appropriate webhook.
Presumably the game stays visible in the lobby for an hour (and rebuilds from the saved data when joined).

Then what?
Is there a callback/webhook fired when the game is dropped from the lobby?

(The reason I ask is because I want t o delete saved rooms if nobody joins them within the hour).



  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @dt1000,

    Good question as always!

    There is no callback or webhook for room entry timeout from the lobby.
    You need to track the timeout yourself (timer, cronjob/scheduled task, etc.).