SetMasterClient issu, OperationResponse 252: ReturnCode: -2 (CAS update failed: property='248'


I use PUN in my game,When Master Client player press Home button on mobile or switch to other application,I want to switch that master client to other players in room,But I always got an err :
Operation failed: OperationResponse 252: ReturnCode: -2 (CAS update failed: property='248' has value='2'). Parameters: {} Server: GameServer

here is my code:
void OnApplicationPause(bool pauseStatus)
		Debug.Log ("AppStatus:" + pauseStatus);
		isPaused = pauseStatus;
		if (isPaused&&PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) {
			SwithMasterClient ();
			//photonView.RPC ("SwithMasterClient", PhotonTargets.Others, null);//do not work eighter

	void SwithMasterClient(){
		Debug.Log ("SwithMaster");
		PhotonNetwork.SetMasterClient (PhotonNetwork.masterClient.GetNext());

	public void SwithMaster(){
		Debug.Log ("SwithMaster2");
		PhotonNetwork.SetMasterClient (PhotonNetwork.masterClient.GetNext());

	void OnGUI()
		if (isPaused)
			GUI.Label(new Rect(100, 130, 50, 30), "Game paused");

		GUI.Label(new Rect(100, 160, 300, 50), "是否Master:"+PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient.ToString());


	void OnMasterClientSwitched(){
		Debug.Log ("MasterClientSwitched");

When I read the log, I found when I press the the home button, no message output,when I enter the app again,It will Debug.Log ("AppStatus true") then AppStatus False, And Switch the MasterClient ,then gives the err above.


  • Hi @hxfdean,

    have you already tried using OnApplicationFocus instead of OnApplicationPause. If not please try using the other callback and tell us if that works for you. If you are on Android platform please note that enabling the on-screen keyboard also fires OnApplicationFocus, so in case you are using the virtual keyboard in your game you have to handle this and don't need choose another MasterClient in that case.