Photon + Cocos2Dx + GUI Extension, Android + iOS: Tutorials? Examples?

I’ve heard it’s feasible to integrate the Photon networking engine with Cocos2Dx, but I was wondering if there were any example projects or detailed tutorials on how to make an Android/iOS Cocos2Dx project using Photon. I’m working in xCode....

and i find this link

but it does not work.
please help me...


  • Kaiserludi
    Hi @infinity.

    There are tutorial online for the combination of Photon and cocos2d-x, but I am afraid they are rather old and a bit outdated.

    However the Photon C++ Client SDKs for Android NDK and for iOS both ship with various demos and some of those demos (namely demo_chat, demo_memory and demo_particle) actually use cocos2d-x for their graphics.

    You could use those as example projects for how to combine Photon and Cocos, but there isn't really anything special to this setup - Both, the Photon client libs and also Cocos2d-x, are just 3rd party libraries that you use from within your code. Photon and Cocos don't interact with each other. Your app simply interacts with both of them and maybe also with other 3rd party libraries, so it is really just a matter of having a look at any Photon demo on how to add Photon to your project and of looking at any Cocos demo on how to add Cocos to your project and then doing both in your game project. You don't do anything different in regards to Photon just because you add Cocos to your project and vice versa.