Android crash

Hi, I'm using PUN+, wich works perfect on windows, but when I try to run an Android compilation, as soon as the application loads, it crashes.
I'm using Unity3D 4.3.0f4, tested on 3 different Android Devices with different versions, none of them worked.

Also tried a new project as simple as possible, but still crashed.

This is the code:

[code2=csharp]using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class CodeExample : Photon.MonoBehaviour {

PhotonView photonView;

public GUIText guitext;
string sentence = "";

void Start () {
photonView = PhotonView.Get(this);

void OnGUI() {
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0,0,100,50),"Create")){
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(100,0,100,50),"Join")){

sentence = GUI.TextField(new Rect(0,100,200,50),sentence,25);
if (GUI.Button(new Rect(200,100,100,50),"Send")){

void Send (string Mensaje){
guitext.text = Mensaje;

Don't know if it me or just photon, thanks.


  • Tobias
    I assume you have the same issue that others also reported: The native library can't be found in Unity 4.3 Android exports.
    I reported the issue to Unity and push them to get a fix done asap.
    Follow this topic, pls: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=3456#p15146
  • Thanks for your answer, will keep an eye on that topic :)
    (Where not sure if it was the same issue)
  • Tobias
    You can check the Android log to find out if it's the same issue. Run the Android Debug Monitor and filter for "Unity" Tag.
  • Just checked the log, and it does seem the same, so will continue on the other post.
