Airplane collisions for fast moving airplanes with authoritative server

edited April 2017 in Photon Bolt

I would like some suggestions on how to approach collisions between speeding airplanes in a multiplayer dogfighting game with authoritative server made using Bolt. As a reference think Air Brawl. So far I've managed to implement a Bolt entity controller that uses Unity's CharacterController for plane movement with my own custom implementation for the physics based on Unity's Standard Assets AirplaneController and this works pretty well with client side prediction. I've also managed to implement projectiles for bullets and rockets starting from this thread that has a good starting point implementation.
One particularity of the game is that it will have melee weapons and basically players could ram/crush into one another at high speed and I would like to be able to have believable collisions like the ones in Rocket League for example.
Unity's CharacterController handles well collisions with the capsule but unfortunately I cannot use that for the obvious reason I cannot emulate the shape of the plane. Unity's Rigidbody is out of the question because I cannot get collisions for kinematic rigidbodies. I stumbled upon Roystan Ross's SuperCharacterController and although arguably better than Unity's suffers from the same limitation, it doesn't allow compound colliders.
Throughout my searches I've found two managed physics libraries that I thought I could use for collision detection, BEPUPhysics and Jitter.
Are there any other options that I might have overlooked or doing my own collision detection or using one of these libraries (or part of them) are my only options?
