Do I need to update the room's expected player list if a single player drops out before joining?

If I join a room and set the expected player id's, the room will set aside a slot for each user. If for some reason one of those users will not join how can I update the expected users property so that there isn't a single unused spot in the room?

I see there is an option to clear all expected players, but that seems like a hassle to manage given the very clear warning that this could have a race condition with joining players.

I've read this forum post and don't think it covers the full subject:

I'm thinking the solution right now is to:
1) Close the room.
2) Wait X seconds.
3) Clear the expected users list.
4) Set the expected users list with all the old values minus the one we know isn't there.
5) Reopen the room.

I'm stuck at step 4 right now.

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