How to sync a variable through Photon

I need to sync a variable so all the players have the same value. I have tried with something like this

void Setting ()
I = somevalue;
//I Is my int
And I call it the following way:

PhotonView PV = GetComponent<PhotonView>();
PV.RPC("Setting", RPCTargets.All);
But the int value is null. What am I doing wrong?


  • OneManArmy
    OneManArmy ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    public float someFloat = 10f;
    public int someInt = 100;
    public PhotonView pv;

    void Update(){
    pv.RPC("SyncValues", RPCTarget.OthersBuffered, someFloat, someInt);

    void SyncValues (float myFloat, int myInt){
    someFloat = myFloat;
    someInt = myInt;
    //Buffered - New players get the RPC when they join as it's buffered (until this client leaves).
  • SebGM2018

    public float someFloat = 10f;
    public int someInt = 100;
    public PhotonView pv;

    void Update(){
    pv.RPC("SyncValues", RPCTarget.OthersBuffered, someFloat, someInt);

    void SyncValues (float myFloat, int myInt){
    someFloat = myFloat;
    someInt = myInt;
    //Buffered - New players get the RPC when they join as it's buffered (until this client leaves).

    And if I want to sync this var to all the players (including me), in this precise moment?, like, at the moment i press a button, Is there any change?
  • OneManArmy
    OneManArmy ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    RPCTarget.All, or RPCTarget.AllBuffered.

    This is just an example.
    To see changes add some UI and check if (pv.isMine) before you send RPC.