Sync LineRenderer Position?

Alright, so im adding a swinging mechanic into my game and so far its working, but all i need to do is sync up the rope so that it looks nice on other clients. the problem is, that when i use OnPhotonSerializeView, it doesnt sync the positions for some reason. And when i use RPC's to set the position, it just looks laggy and i dont think its practical anyway. Has anyone had experience with this?


  • Tobias
    With OnPhotonSerializeView, you can sync whatever you want. Just add a script that implements IPunObservable and observe it in the PhotonView. Collect and send the values needed to sync the rope.
  • LeytonMate
    > @Tobias said:
    > With OnPhotonSerializeView, you can sync whatever you want. Just add a script that implements IPunObservable and observe it in the PhotonView. Collect and send the values needed to sync the rope.

    What's IPunObservable?