disconnected problem from room

when my user's playing game, my users suddenly was disconnected from room
my users get this error DisconnectByClientTimeout (from DisconnectCause)
i think this is not about BackgroundTimeout, because my users is playing in game


  • PhotonNetwork.autoCleanUpPlayerObjects = false;

    PhotonNetwork.sendRate = 20;
    PhotonNetwork.sendRateOnSerialize = 20; //sendRateOnSerialize는 sendRate보다 낮아야한다!!
    PhotonNetwork.BackgroundTimeout = 9.0f;
    PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.QuickResendAttempts = 3;
    PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.SentCountAllowance = 7;
    PhotonNetwork.CrcCheckEnabled = true;

    i'm using kr region
    i'm publishing my game in korea
  • and my game is just 2d game and just two player can join room
  • Hi @SungJinKang,

    when you test your game on the Cloud as well, do you face similar problems or are those problems reported by your users? DisconnectByClientTimeout is the most frequent issue you can have. This can either occur due to some server issues or client connection issues.

    If you are facing the problems yourself, I would recommend you reading the Analyzing Disconnects documentation page and see if you can workaround those problems.

    If those problems still occur, please let us know by sending an email to developer@photonengine.com including the region, your AppId and also a link to this topic.