Where should I store the player's game specific data for that specific room

I was looking at the loadbalancing server code and found a class named, PlayerCache. It has an array for all the players. I want to store player's health for that instance of room. So here's a scenario.

1. Client send an attack request to the server.
2. OperationHandlerDefault will handle that operation
3. PlayerCache or I dunno where to store.. but on that I will update the player health of the receiver of that attack.
4. Profit

Any, am I looking at the right file?



  • chvetsov
    Hi, @Dark6666

    PlayerCache is part of MasterServer. it helps to get match macking working, but will useless in your case

    You need to check GameServer code in project 'Hive'. Depending on your needs you may use either GameProperties or ActorProperties to store game specifiec and actor specifiec information. Use SetProperties operation to update this properties and ... well read documentation
