Unity Bolt CCUs

I was looking at Photon Bolt in the Unity Asset Store and noticed that, unlike PUN, there doesn't seem to be a Free/20 CCU option. It does say, however, that it includes 100 CCUs and I was wondering if that is like PUN+ (i.e. the 100 CCUs is for 60 months and then you have to chose another play). Any guidance on this would be great

Best Answers

  • Dijon
    Answer ✓
    Thanks, that's good news. I've been trying out GameSparks and PUN, and would really like to spend some time with Bolt before I commit to a networking solution.


  • Dijon
    Answer ✓
    Thanks, that's good news. I've been trying out GameSparks and PUN, and would really like to spend some time with Bolt before I commit to a networking solution.