Can room names be sequential, possibly shorter?

Is it a security thing so people can't guess the room # easier for hackers? Or is there a more "friendly" way to show match #s? It may be nice to store match #s sequentially, or other reasons like the ability to manually join a game by room# if it was friendlier/shorter.

If this is possible, and there's a reason NOT to do this, what would that be? Cheers~


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi @xblade724,

    You can choose whatever string you want for room names by sending it from client in Create or JoinOrCreate operations.
    If you do not specify one, Photon server will generate a GUID and use it as a room name and return it to client.
  • Bonzy
    An ideea to ignore the room name completely(let Photon ensure room unique name under the hood but not show it to your users):
    Make a Room CustomProperty named "RoomName" for example and set it as visible outside room.
    Show users this customProperty as the room Name.