PhotonTransformView extrapolation and collision

When I put a PhotonTransformView on objects in my 2d game and activate 'extrapolation', I have problems where the objects will be placed outside of the world if I have a big lag spike.

The source of the problem _looks_ to be fairly clear. PhotonTransformViewPositionControl sets the destination point to be the sum of the last-known-network location plus the extrapolated position. When the amount of time passed is small, the object gets pushed into a wall, but collision pushes it right back out again. Once the time passed gets high enough, the object is placed on the other side of the obstacle.

I could fix this by writing my own extrapolation code to take collision into account, but I have to think I must be missing something here. As written, the extrapolation system is pretty much completely useless except in highly select circumstances like a space sim. In any other situation, this problem will result in objects interpenetrating objects, which is almost never right.

Am I missing something? Is there a different control or a different option I can use to fix this problem?

