trying to connect my game with a laptop.... (No match found) (trying to make an Autojoin system)

Hi gang, So I've set up my game and it seems to work I spawn in my game act I can fly around and shoot bad guys and get points
but I am getting

Operation failed: OperationResponse 225: ReturnCode: 32760 (No match found). Parameters: {}
however the game still proceeds to run and everything requiring (Ismaster / is client works...)
however I cannot connect when I try and join a second player....

on join room filled even when my first machine has already created a game.
(I'm using 2 machines here one Mac-pro and one PC laptop)

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class Connect : Photon.MonoBehaviour {

public string GameClassic = "GameClassic";
public string GameReserch = "GameResearch";
public string GameType = "";
public string s = "";
public string Username;
public float WaitingForPlayers = 10;
public int PlayersInRoom;
public bool ConnectedToGame;

public Text UsernameText;

public GameObject SearchingForPlayers;
public GameObject GameMode;

public Text Timer;
public Text PlayerCount;

PhotonPlayer[] otherList ;
private void Start()
otherList = PhotonNetwork.otherPlayers;
Username = UsernameText.text;

void ConnectNow()
PhotonNetwork.autoJoinLobby = true;


public void OnJoinedLobby()
// Set player Properties here.....................

// Set player Properties here.....................



void OnPhotonRandomJoinFailed()
if (GameType == "Classic") {
RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions () { isVisible = false, MaxPlayers = 4 };
PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom (GameClassic, roomOptions, TypedLobby.Default);
} else {
RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions () { isVisible = false, MaxPlayers = 4 };
PhotonNetwork.JoinOrCreateRoom (GameReserch, roomOptions, TypedLobby.Default);


void OnJoinedRoom (){
// when Inside a room....
ConnectedToGame = true;
SearchingForPlayers.SetActive (true);
GameMode.SetActive (false);


public void ClassicModeButton (){
GameType = "Classic";
ConnectNow ();


public void ReserchModeButton (){
GameType = "Reserch";
ConnectNow ();


void LateUpdate (){

Timer.text = WaitingForPlayers.ToString();

// how manny players are conected?....

foreach (PhotonPlayer player in otherList) {
s += player.ToString();
PlayerCount.text = s;
// No text is displayed whatsoever in the player count text.... ???

// if we are in the room (Connected,) Star tthe countdown!
if (ConnectedToGame == true) {

if (PhotonNetwork.isMasterClient) {
WaitingForPlayers -= 1 * Time.deltaTime;
//this fails to count down when i hit play on my secodn machine... so i think its connecting...
} else {

// STREAM..........

// Count down, when countdown reachers 0, or you get 5 players, the game starts. :D
if (WaitingForPlayers < 0) {
GameStartTest ();


public void GameStartTest (){
if (GameType == "Classic") {
Application.LoadLevel ("ClassicA");
