Rebuilt Loadbalancing source code not working

edited November 2016 in Photon Server
Hello everyone,

I've recently started the adventure of creating my self-hosted photon server with my own authoritative logic. I've learned already a lot but I still have lot to learn.

I was starting implementing my own server plugin and so edit and add code on my "copy" of the loadbalancing source code found with the photon server download and something strange happens: the server runs, photon too and even the unit test's connection works, but when I try to connect with the vikings demo it just stop working (the error is that after trying to connect, the value inside PhotonNetwork.playerName become null, and I think also all the rest). On Server side, there's no errors and no traces of connections on all logs.

It's not caused by my custom code since I've also tried to rebuild the same untouched source code found in the downloaded archive.

The fun thing is that if I use the already compiled loadbalancing dll's found within the package, everything works.

So my question is: what's wrong? Where I'm missing something? It is normal or do I have some kind of issues with my visual studio/.Net installation?

My procedure to test the new loadbalancing is:

- rebuild all the solution
- copy all the content of ...Photon-OnPremise-Server-SDK_v4-0-29-11263\src-server\Loadbalancing\LoadBalancing\bin
- paste files in ...deploy\Loadbalancing\Master\bin and deploy\Loadbalancing\GameServer\bin
- re-run photon server (even if I've noticed it will automatically reload the server once you change the files).

Any help would be enormously appreciated.

Thank you!



  • chvetsov
    binaries you have in deploy folder were build from code you have in server-src. all binaries without exception. so if you build them and get different result, than something wrong with your deploy process.

    What kind of tests did you run - offline or online?
  • Zeratul
    That's very bad news then. I've run all "offline" tests (means I still have internet but the server is running on the same computer of the unity client (photon is configured for my local network ip address).

    As unit test, I've run the TestClient available within the loadbalancing solution. It's actually "bypass" the connection and "just" add clients from code.

    It would suggest something is wrong with connection configuration, but still doesn't explain why changing the dlls will change the result.
  • chvetsov
    you should stop photon server before updates in deploy folder

    did you understand on what stage it stopped to work? could you try some other demo?
  • Zeratul
    I usually stop photon server before re-deploying.

    I've tried now with my own code (just connect and create a room) and now it's working.

    The viking demo still not working and I still don't know why (the error comes less than half a second after connecting, so before trying to do anything else), and that scares me a little, but I suppose I can continue with my work now.

    Thanks for the support