Does PoolFiber support .NET 4 Await/Async?

edited March 2014 in DotNet
What is the correct way to make a 'Lobby' execute heavy IO operations asynchronously, so it can handle more concurrent client requests? Something like Asynchronous ASP.NET for the acquainted.

Currently, operation requests from peers get enqueued on a poolfiber of a lobby, so these operations are executed consequently, and there are no problems with race conditions on the lobby resources.

However, if some of these operation do IO operations - disk ,database access, etc.. The whole lobby is blocked, and all clients operations have to wait for this IO task to complete.

It would be best if Poolfiber has it's own SynchronizationContext or was a TaskScheduler, so you can just write:

await SomeHeavyIOOperationAsync(...);
//continue operation request execution

Is that possible or how should this be achieved?

Thank you