Error function OpJoinRandomRoom

An error occurred in the function OpJoinRandomRoom. (v1.23.1 (7. October 2013))

The value of the variable expectedMaxPlayers loses. As a result, the rooms can not be filtered by expectedMaxPlayers.

in PhotonNetwork.JoinRandomRoom:
[code2=csharp]if (expectedMaxPlayers > 0)
expectedRoomProperties[GameProperties.MaxPlayers] = expectedMaxPlayers;
networkingPeer.OpJoinRandomRoom(expectedRoomProperties, 0, null, matchingType); // my comment: instead of the value of the variable expectedMaxPlayers, we pass zero[/code2]

in LoadbalancingPeer.OpJoinRandomRoom:
[code2=csharp]Hashtable expectedRoomProperties = new Hashtable();
if (expectedMaxPlayers > 0) // my comment: at this point the value of the variable is always zero
expectedRoomProperties[GameProperties.MaxPlayers] = expectedMaxPlayers;


  • Tobias
    You mean you can't explicitly filter for rooms that have no players limit?
    Do you have rooms that use a max and rooms that don't?