JoinRandomRoom() Not Working Even After An Open, Visible Room is Created.

To explain, I have a Unity 2D project which successfully connects using settings and creates a room which is both open and visible. When building out my project to test, the editor instance of the game connects and creates an open room. However, when trying to run JoinRandomRoom(); on the built game in order to connect to the room the editor is in, it does not notice the opened room and fails to join the room. The process of making and joining a room has been working for a while, however it suddenly stopped working after a new build even though I do not believe I changed any of the code which deals with it. I am mostly following this tutorial and my code is almost identical.

If anyone has any suggestions i would love to know. Thank you.


  • FIXED - For some reason the region it was connecting to was different between the client and standalone, even though they were on the same machine. Specifying the region for both solved the issue.