Unity 2018 PUN 2 Error

Hi guys, so I just updated to Unity 2018.3, and my main project was developed in Unity 2017.3, the thing here is that I just opened again the project and I have a couple of errors, all indicate the same thing.
I can't instantiate a RoomInfo object because it displays the following message:
Assets/Scenes/Online/LobbyScene/Scripts/RoomBScript.cs(32,13): error CS1540: Cannot access protected member `Photon.Realtime.RoomInfo.RoomInfo(string, ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable)' via a qualifier of type `Photon.Realtime.RoomInfo'. The qualifier must be of type `RoomBScript' or derived from it

And this, that is almost the same:

Assets/RoomNameS.cs(18,14): error CS0122: `Photon.Realtime.RoomInfo.RoomInfo(string, ExitGames.Client.Photon.Hashtable)' is inaccessible due to its protection level

Does someone knows what can I do?

Well, so I just checked the RoomInfo class in the PhotonRealtime script, the thing here is that this class is PUBLIC and it stills showing those errors...