Syncing Ball WItth Rigidbody between multiple players

I have found several discussions on this topic but haven't found any good reliable solutions. I hope we can for once and all close this topic to many people who are searching for the answers.

I tried 3 different ways. The ball has 2 collider's. The 1st for collisions and the 2nd being a trigger, which is a little bigger then the first collider. When the player enters the trigger before colliding with the first collider he becomes the owner, the issue is that when the owner is switched the ball briefly freaks out.

This happens the second way too, I create a list of photon players and the player closest to the ball becomes the owner, this of course is very heavy as its called in the update method but the same thing happens with the ball briefly freaking out before switching.

The third was to have the master only control the ball and send rpcs to the master with the collision info. This was very delayed, hit the ball and a second later it would shoot off.

Is it possible with photon to achieve perfect rigidbody syncing between multiple clients? Would photon bolt be a better solution?

What do you think would be the best method?

Thanks for any help!


  • Hi @CarterManley,

    achieving perfect synchronization is extremely hard independent of the used networking technology. The probably best solution for such a scenario is running the simulation only on one client (for example the MasterClient). This has the benefit, that you don't have to transfer the ownership of the object all the time, means that you avoid adding delay caused by Ownership Transfer. However this approach requires you to have all objects well synchronized, so that each client runs more or less the same simulation.